So, opening a invest account with Royal Registry de Jure (RRDJ) is like an everyday strawman account, except it’s private and not under government control, correct?
Using our RRDJ Mastercard with no name printed on it means there’s no trace to the strawman and GovCorp.
Does this account come with a debit card, specifically an EFTPOS debit card, that can be used for deposits?
It is an EFTPOS Debit Card.
And when my wages are deposited, can Centrelink access it?
Centrelink can only deposit money using your RRDJ reference number. Alternatively, you can do what I do: have Centrelink deposit funds into a Westpac account and then transfer (EFT) the money to the RRDJ account to avoid GovCorp tracking.
I was once detained by police for traveling on the roads without their license and using my own number plates, which resulted in ten months in jail. During that time, I sold my family home and earned interest in the invest.
You should RRDJ yourself using the Family Crest de Jure Trust, then open an RRDJ account and transfer funds into it so that your strawman doesn’t have access.
Centrelink claims I owe them money.
I hope this clarifies the situation: their strawman/public trust owes them money, not you as the royal subject and beneficiary of the public trust.
I am receiving Centrelink allowance. Could that go into my Royal Registry account without any disruption?
Yes, as long as they believe it cannot.