Steward of the Royal Registry de Jure

Royal Registry de jure

Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

Explore a comprehensive collection of frequently asked questions (FAQs) related to the membership in the Royal Registry de Jure. Collated by a Steward, these questions cover a variety of topics and are presented here for your convenience, albeit in no particular order.

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These benefits are included upon membership:

  1. all of the tax benefits work globally. so opening your gold investment account will eliminate the need to pay tax. free
  2. unrestricted access to our litigation department included for members free ( but actual issuing of cases will incur legal fees.)
  3. access to RRDJ home loans and car loans is included for members @ interest fixed for the term of 6%
  4. access to RRDJ "Shield " to protect your property from seizure from all gov corp entities and creditors is included for members. @ 1% of estate value.

If we "register" with an organisation /company like the Royal Registry, does that mean, the said organisation/company own your account? 

Ok, great question. this has been one of the best misinformations posted on the web and it has frustrated many... the simple truth is this:
All registries have rules. When you register you agree to follow their rules. It's simple. However, the problem with that is , some registries "Gov corp" have hundreds of pages of rules that are there to deceive and control you and any asset registered under them.. so yes, Gov corp registries are traps. We are not Gov corp. , we are Royal and the only rules we have are. " Do no harm " that's it.. so The Royal Registry de Jure does not own you or your assets never has never will. Gov corp registries do.
see video.

Yes, of course you can!

The coat of arms is always optional. it's not necessary but great if they have one. You can register now and provide the coat of arms later or not at all.

it's just for your own copyright that we recommend you register it. if you don't have one then all good.

What is the process of not paying tax on money earnt from an employer. I cant seem to find a FAQ to understand it?

How does it work?

Fill out form attached and hand to employer to authorise them to stop withholding tax and pay the gross into your Gold account.

I watched a video on YouTube called The Truth Will Set You Free a documentary on Australian history, and in that it was stated that the 26 th January 1910 a fleet of Us Navy ships sailed into Sydney Habour and marched through the streets of Sydney to demonstrate occupation unbeknown to the Australian public. It seems England was in debt to America and couldn't pay it back, so they handed Australia and people over to the yanks as collateral. If that's the case, we haven't had a King or Queen since then, so how would we be under the Kings protection and a subject of his? I like the idea of all this but we might be in a lot bigger mess than we realize.

The Constitution 1900UK & 1901

Preamble makes it very clear who we are, protected by a King or not.

Besides we the people are the superior jurisdiction with or without a king.

We all have a voice to say no to GOVCORP. Unfortunately only a few are.

The RRDJ is a Records Office owned by the man king, not the corporate king.

Until the man king appears, we the people are de jure.

RRDJ is only a record office. It is bound to Constitution rule, not GOVCORP. Thats why all who join are bound by it as well.

Private Property is recorded by the RRDJ, it doesn't own it unlike some knuckleheads claim using GOVCORP logic.

The property transfer means the PUBLIC trust owns nothing and will be happy. If it owns nothing, GOVCORP can't steal it and make it its own.

I joined the PT VIC at My Place Frankston with Spiros but unfortunately it folded. Why did Peoples Trust Victoria fail if I may be so bold ? Makes me hesitant to join the DeJure Invest tbh.

the People's Trust was replaced by the Registry. When we all began, few were aware of the real state of affairs and we all scrambled for some sort of solution. As time passed we began to work things out and the result is the Royal Registry De Jure. It's the culmination of the knowledge and experience of a number of specialised individuals including ex judges, barristers and senior Paralegals…

During the time of the Peoples trust operation, GOVCORP adapted and refused to honour Power of Attorney authorised forms. Its their way of by passing the law while still breaking it at the same time. has replaced the State independent offices and is now Commonwealth / national.

is active and relevant.

Is it possible to start the process from the UK or must in be done in person in Australia? Is it possible to conduct zooms etc or are there anyone affiliated with RRDJ in the UK?

Yes, we have had numerous applications from the UK ... please contact our Deputy Steward who will be assigned to you and your point of call on all things Registry.. Including the Gold Backed Account which you will be entitled to set up as part of your registration..


I understand everything you've written, and I haven't dismissed the other advantages of having an account with RRDJ. It's an excellent system. However, I initially thought physical gold was purchased for the depositor and held in storage. Now that I know this isn't the case, I need to inform others in my circle who also had this assumption.

Fiat AUD loses value over time due to inflation, so any account held in AUD, such as the GIA, also loses purchasing power. While $10,000 today will still be $10,000 in three years, it will buy less than it can today. This is why buying gold with fiat offers some protection against the loss of purchasing power over time. Two ounces of gold today will still be two ounces in three years, but they will likely buy more than two ounces can today.

The video mentioned this concept, which is why it was assumed that gold is held for the depositor and not just AUD fiat.

Your point about fiat currency losing value is valid. However, your understanding of how RRDJ operates is slightly off. We don't trade in fiat currency—it’s a gold-backed system. While fiat is initially received to facilitate gold purchases, the focus remains on gold as an investment. Gold is treated as property and is protected under privacy laws. It is non-taxable as long as it remains in gold form.

If gold is sold and converted to fiat, it becomes taxable income. However, if you sell RRDJ gold, it is treated as a gold currency, whether through EFT, Mastercard, bullion coins, or notes. If it’s sold and the credit enters the fiat system, it is treated as a lifetime loan, which is non-taxable by default. Similarly, fiat received into the GOVCORP account and invested in gold remains tax-exempt.

Future Plans:
RRDJ will eventually be set up as an irrevocable trust, enabling it to open a bank account under its trust name with a GOVCORP bank. The current GOVCORP account in Spiros’ name is a temporary arrangement until RRDJ is formally recognized under Common Law jurisdiction instead of UCC.

To maximize benefits, consider placing your gold in an IBA instead of a GIA to gain equity. This setup is also inflation-protected, ensuring gross value (not net) is retained. EFTs from the GOVCORP account remain inflation-proof, with no means test or reduction in Centrelink payments.

For example, you could have $1 million in bullion held by RRDJ and still be entitled to receive the full age pension. Since the bullion is not in your sole legal name, it is not considered a personal asset. Similarly, fiat transferred to Spiros’ account cannot be claimed by GOVCORP as part of your legal sole name assets.

The key is to consider the bigger picture, not just isolated elements of the system.

The maximum limit per card is $1,000.
If you require a higher credit amount, you can order multiple cards, each with a $1,000 balance.
Each card issued incurs a fee of $35.

Please note that these are MasterCard's Terms & Conditions, and RRDJ has no control over them.

Alternatively, you may continue using your GOVCORP bank account and its associated cards, ensuring no excess balance is left in the account. You can transfer funds via EFT to GIA.

Alternatively, you can make a direct deposit into the RRDJ GOVCORP GOLD Account. Use the PN provided on the RRDJ website to manage your funds accordingly, free from tax obligations.

How much is the interest rate?
What is the terms and conditions of the loan?

ANSWER: Yes we lend money via a Vif-gage

We do it on the following terms.

  • interest is flat 6% per annum and fixed for the term of the Vif-gage.
  • deposit 35% we lend you the rest.
  • Term 10 years
  • Repayments… 120 even payments. first of every month

Refinance existing mortgage can be possible assuming there is a remaining 35% equity in the property.

remembering that the purpose of the Gold accounts and subsequent loans is to reduce the tax burden to the member which is at least 33% of every dollar.

1.  Mastercard charges for the card
2.  Mastercard charge us for delivery to our office
3.  Australia Post charged us for delivery to the member priority and secured post
4.  Australia Post charges us for the envelope 
5.  We charge a small fee to process the entire thing.

the cost varies with each transaction…  If a member requires 5 cards then it gets cheaper because we only use one envelope.  remind the members that they can always just use the   

Instructions to Pay Anyone – Online Form

which avoids posting all together.

The Mastercard we have available right now, is it one that can be topped up? Or are they disposable?

Certainly! Here's a polished version:

"We prioritize anonymity and untraceability, which is why all our cards are disposable—just like cash. That’s why it’s called disposable income!"

The account number that you receive when you open your gold account is what you need as your reference number. So EFT the funds to the following account and make sure that you put your RRDJ gold account number into the reference field.

The account to EFT in to from your GOVCORP account is as follows:

Spiros Kalotihos (DEPOSIT ACCOUNT for Gold Account transactions only.)

BSB: 067 873
ACC: 12603830
Account Holder: Your RRDJ name
Reference (important): Your RRDJ gold account number

Additionally if you like: You bank will ask if you want receipt, accept that offer and email a copy to and make sure your unique Gold Account reference number is in the Title field of the email & send.

DONE - its deposited into the Gold Account, you have Gold of equal value stored. to transaction in and out between members and STRAWS from this account, use the Promissory Notes listed in Forms on the RRDJ Website.

Keep your own records of transactions, use an exercise book ruled up recording every transaction. At the end of the month you can email a scanned copy for the month to be verified by RRDJ Gold team that they have the same balance.

One of the FAQ for the gold backed invest account seems to be suggesting that even though it is a gold backed invest account, the value of one’s account is always totalling amount deposited in Australian Dollars, compared to a fixed amount in ounces of gold whose Australian dollar value fluctuates with gold priced in Australian dollars. Maybe I have misunderstood?

This is correct, the main purpose of the account is to secure our members' funds with Gold. If the member wishes to earn interest then they simply complete the form on our website and their funds are not only secured by Gold Bullion but they also earn interest. %5 per annum is the rate today.

Open your gold backed interest account (needs to have a gold backed account first)

The members' funds are safe and earning interest and available at a moment's notice and tax free and anonymous.

Real Estate

The RRDJ Property Shield Benefit

The protection is via a security over the property to RRDJ... the only other entity that can access your real estate is a preexisting  mortgagee..  so your equity is secured against all but pre existing Mortgages.

Obviously if no mortgage exists then this Shield is the First Mortgagee and no one can touch it in law. Mortgage Act is the same one Banks use to steal the property as First Mortgagee.

  1. How much does it cost now with this process?
    Not yet final however working to keep it around $3-$4k.
  2. How long does the process take?
    As long as the lawyer takes to draft documents and register them. Approx 2 weeks. The Registry has engaged gov corp approved legal representatives who have prepared and are about to lodge the first RRDJ PROPERTY SHIELD. We will post the process on our site and LIP once registration has occurred. Christmas has slowed us a bit..
  3. Any properties already secured like this?
    Michael and Spiros did it with each other.
    These documents will be made available to demonstrate the effectiveness.
  4. When will it be available?
    Next year hopefully towards end of January 2025. Considering Christmas break.

I watched a video on YouTube called The Truth Will Set You Free a documentary on Australian history, and in that it was stated that the 26 th January 1910 a fleet of Us Navy ships sailed into Sydney Habour and marched through the streets of Sydney to demonstrate occupation unbeknown to the Australian public. It seems England was in debt to America and couldn't pay it back, so they handed Australia and people over to the yanks as collateral. If that's the case, we haven't had a King or Queen since then, so how would we be under the Kings protection and a subject of his? I like the idea of all this but we might be in a lot bigger mess than we realize.

The Constitution 1900UK & 1901

Preamble makes it very clear who we are, protected by a King or not.

Besides we the people are the superior jurisdiction with or without a king.

We all have a voice to say no to GOVCORP. Unfortunately only a few are.

The RRDJ is a Records Office owned by the man king, not the corporate king.

Until the man king appears, we the people are de jure.

RRDJ is only a record office. It is bound to Constitution rule, not GOVCORP. Thats why all who join are bound by it as well.

Private Property is recorded by the RRDJ, it doesn't own it unlike some knuckleheads claim using GOVCORP logic.

The property transfer means the PUBLIC trust owns nothing and will be happy. If it owns nothing, GOVCORP can't steal it and make it its own.

The question is wrong, the right question is,

Can one register one's name on the real "Certificate of Title" if the fake title has a mortgage on it? 


I am wanting to register some properties with the RRdJ. How do I do this? What happens with the titles at the titles office? As I have tried to transfer the properties into a non -registered trust but Qld revenue want stamp duty of course. How does this work when registering property with RRdJ?

Transferring Your Property to the Royal Registry de Jure

The Correct Procedure:

To begin the transfer, the correct approach is to locate the certificate of title issued by the Crown. If the original certificate has been lost or destroyed, a new duplicate must be obtained from the Crown through the registry.

Please note that the documents currently in your possession, issued by a corporation, are not recognised by the Crown. They serve only as receipts. The goal is to have the new registered proprietor, whether a Living Man or Living Woman, recorded on the title.

Steps to Transfer:

  1. Locate the Duplicate Title: If lost or destroyed, apply for a new certificate from the Crown via the Royal Registry de Jure.
  2. Register the Proprietor: This step involves recording the registered proprietor's name on the title. While not legally required, it is a recommended step for clarity.


The fee is 1% of the land’s value. In contrast, the government corporation charges a 5% fee for the same service.

The Royal Registry de Jure will be basically do all this for you, ensuring a smooth and efficient transfer of your property.

Are processes now in place to transfer land titles? What fees/donations are attached to this process?  

Not a transfer but rather a sale. We as a registry can register the living as proprietors of a parcel of land and create a certificate of title for it… it’s really a paper trail but there is a once off fee of 1% .  Once memorialised that’s the end of annual taxes fees rates etc….  we are basically returning members to the default common Law setting…

Yes, Im def aware its a brokerage contract after seeing one of your RR vids a while ago. Up until then I was also aware that the funds were not lent by the invest either. 

I also recall in our meeting you mentioned going after the lawyers that set up our loans. 

After all is said and done is this the only way to get money and compensation? Is it pointless going after the invests for fraud/non disclosure?

What are your thoughts on relinquishing the birth certificate to the treasury and setting up indemnity bonds? I dont know enough about this yet so maybe its a stupid question. 

Well,, in our experience the law is simple..  the trust set up for you operates under trust law.. that's pretty much it... Relinquishing this and that is like the child beneficiary his grandfather's trust relinquishing his inheritance... Yes you can do it but one wonders why?  The establishing of oneself as a living soul allows you to start fresh without relinquishing anything..

The property you currently occupy is not owned by you.   The trust that is recorded as the registered proprietor is Governed by TRUST LAW and that basically means it is required to comply with every and any rule or regulation or whatever comes along..

So you don't get a say and the trustee can come along and take it any time they choose... That's everyone's current Position..

We, The Registry Can and have  established a means by which members can acrew assets in their living name at a fraction of the current expense and thus  regaining all their rights in Law   "in fee simple"  the result is,  you own the properties and not a Trust.

None of the rules regulations rates taxes etc apply to you.. We have already established a Invest which is working fine and  allows members to earn money privately and free of corporate taxes and fees , our vehicles are now registered privately.. and so on...

The decision to acquire assets in your private capacity is yours and optional.. Nobody at the registry is compelling anyone to register.. we are just offering the service...  For example,  members could leave their current properties where they are and only acquire future properties in their living capacity.. that avoids the issue of expense completely.. 

Also,  in an effort to put things in perspective... The govcorp system charges 5% stamp duty , Annual Rates, and in many cases, Land Tax which will soon be 5% per annum..  In light of the alternative We don't accept that our 1% once off fee , nothing else to pay for ever is unreasonable.

The property in question was sold for AUD $2.00 cash.

Where would you prefer your 1% fee should be paid?

Ok, ha ha,   the 1% fee which effectively places the property out of the reach of the govcorp system and allows members to amass wealth without fear of seizure, not to mention taxes rates codes permits etc... is calculated on the value of the property at the time of the Registration...  Nothing prevents one from giving away their assets for pennies on the pound but the registry can see through that process...  also,   the service the registry provides is optional... we do not compel registration. we exist in the event you require registration and only if it actually benefits you... So if you don't feel the registration of your property with us is of benefit to you then it's crazy to proceed.. 

"We are creating services for our members gain not their pain.."  Spyridon


I am looking in to registering with the Royal registry, and would like to know, if It would be possible to pay the $999 members fee with a promissory note that would be honoured as soon as my superannuation is transferred in to the Royal registry investing system?

Yes, you can do that.      Please advise the Steward handling your matter and ensure they attach the promissory note to your application..


What is the process of not paying tax on money earnt from an employer. I cant seem to find a FAQ to understand it?

How does it work?

Fill out form attached and hand to employer to authorise them to stop withholding tax and pay the gross into your Gold account.

I was just wondering if would be worth my while registering my business with RRd? If so, how do I go about it? I already have an ABN.

You can register your business with RRDJ and operate in the private sector. If your business requires an ABN to trade with other entities that have an ABN, that's perfectly fine. You simply need to wind down any existing agreements with government bodies such as the ATO or ASIC, leaving your ABN inactive but still available. Stop reporting profits and losses to the ATO and conduct your business privately, without relying on government registrations.

There's no need to change anything with your business. The key advantage of being registered with RRDJ is that you can open a Gold account, where all invoice payments from your business can be directed. This account is not subject to recording or taxation. Members are free to trade as much as they want, as long as they ensure all their invoices are paid into the RRDJ account, rather than their personal (or straw) account. It’s a simple, one-step process to streamline your trading.

I am looking to move forward with completing and forwarding you the Registration forms which, so I have been told, includes a private invest account and debit card where funds are held as gold [and silver?] and value can be withdrawn from the account globally.

Have you included the Gold Investment Account with your de Jure application?

One question I have relates to receiving value for products listed on my website from invest accounts that are either domestic or international in exchange.

You can change investing details as EFT and the Clients invest will adjust currency exchange amount. Or go through a thrid party r.g. paypal, Stripe and have them transfer monies in to your RRDJB account.  

I am about to start trading and am considering the best way to set this up and wonder if Gifts and or Donations can be received to said invest account in exchange for the value of the products.

Yes it can. RRDJ only askes for donations for the benefits it offers.

Is this investing facility available for registered 'members'? Or do you know of a better way to trade?

Account for members only however non members can deposit, EFT, BPay directly to bypass govcorp investing system.

One recommendation is to have a notice on the opening page[s] that this site is a Private Membership Club and the rules of the club must be agreed to before trading.

Who's recommendation, what PMA? RRDJ isnt a PMA, its a Civil Service under the Constitution 1901.

Any direction or suggestions on how to set up an online business will be very appreciated, thank you.

We cant offer this service however there are LiP Members more than happy to assist you for anything you need.

Is it possible to find out about benefits and processes to registering a business in RRDJ prior to being a member? 

Each member will have a one-page ad with a link to their site or business. This platform will offer substantial incentives for members to use other members’ services and allow members to be paid directly through the registry gold accounts, thus avoiding the investing system entirely. It will serve as a secure trading platform for members to trade goods and services with one another. Members will benefit by avoiding the corporate trading platform along with all associated tariffs, taxes, rates, and charges, while also obtaining goods and services at discounted rates.

If any RRDJ Member has a certificate of proof from a CORP Education Institution and prefers / wishes that qualification to be recognised / registered they can apply for a RRDJ University prior learning Certification Qualification, instead of the usual requirement to register with a GOVCORP Association before they can practice their trade, you can do it as a de jure private member instead.

Rather than register with your industry Association, register with RRDJ instead. Any accreditation registered with GOVCORP and also be registered with us.

Indicative Donation: $100 reg + $100 Admin for life.

Email your Govcorp Educational Verification to RRDJ  VIC


These benefits are included upon membership:

  1. all of the tax benefits work globally. so opening your gold investment account will eliminate the need to pay tax. free
  2. unrestricted access to our litigation department included for members free ( but actual issuing of cases will incur legal fees.)
  3. access to RRDJ home loans and car loans is included for members @ interest fixed for the term of 6%
  4. access to RRDJ "Shield " to protect your property from seizure from all gov corp entities and creditors is included for members. @ 1% of estate value.

If we "register" with an organisation /company like the Royal Registry, does that mean, the said organisation/company own your account? 

Ok, great question. this has been one of the best misinformations posted on the web and it has frustrated many... the simple truth is this:
All registries have rules. When you register you agree to follow their rules. It's simple. However, the problem with that is , some registries "Gov corp" have hundreds of pages of rules that are there to deceive and control you and any asset registered under them.. so yes, Gov corp registries are traps. We are not Gov corp. , we are Royal and the only rules we have are. " Do no harm " that's it.. so The Royal Registry de Jure does not own you or your assets never has never will. Gov corp registries do.
see video.

Is it possible to start the process from the UK or must in be done in person in Australia? Is it possible to conduct zooms etc or are there anyone affiliated with RRDJ in the UK?

Yes, we have had numerous applications from the UK ... please contact our Deputy Steward who will be assigned to you and your point of call on all things Registry.. Including the Gold Backed Account which you will be entitled to set up as part of your registration..

I assume they would be as it is part of the Commonwealth protected by the King but clarification would be great.

My family and I are currently in UK however we are contemplating moving back to Australia permanently potentially which is why I am looking to getting all legal documentation together. 

We are   kings men we are recognised in the commonwealth.   We don't concern ourselves with foreign lands.

There are a lot of requests of international people to join the Royal Registry de Jure. Since we cannot deliver all the services that an Australian member has access to, the membership gift is AU$600 rather then the normal AU$999.

Given that we’re in England, UK, I fear quite a few RRDJ benefits are not included, as Michael Rolf mentioned on today’s Zoom call that we cannot transfer our house.

Can you please clarify what benefits are included for UK internationals? (i.e investing, tax exemptions, etc)

And what assets are we allowed to transfer? (i.e house, car, company, livestock, superannuation, etc)

The following benefits apply.

1. Gold Backed accounts can be set up for UK members

2. Anonymous master? Visa card can be supplied to UK members

3. All income earned by members can be deposited into their Gold account and thus be deemed tax free.

4. No requirement for them to file tax returns for their living selves

5. Assets can be accrued in their living names rather than their corporate trusts so as to protect them from corporate rules and regulations

6. They can conduct themselves as living souls and even trade with corporate entities without having to comply with corporate rules.

In short the rights reserved by subjects of the Crown ( the people ) are available to all in the commonwealth but because they live so far away from Australia and New Zealand and Canada they won't be able to interact with other living souls until more UK subjects join.. so that's the real drawback. They are first to the party.. unfashionably early.. albeit a temporary one.


I am looking in to registering with the Royal registry, and would like to know, if It would be possible to pay the $999 members fee with a promissory note that would be honoured as soon as my superannuation is transferred in to the Royal registry investing system?

Yes, you can do that.      Please advise the Steward handling your matter and ensure they attach the promissory note to your application..

Automobile / Carriage

If my car is registered with GovCorp, they technically own it through the registration and the license plates. Why, then, does the Royal Registry de Jure not own my car when I register it with them?

Answer: If you surrender the license plates and deregister your car with GovCorp, the vehicle is considered lost cargo. Once you register it with the Royal Registry de Jure, it becomes a private vehicle owned by an individual, rather than by the registry itself.

Will the insurance companies honour the insurance if you make a claim. Be careful that they dont decline the claim because the vehicle is "Not Registered".

Misinformation. It is registered and the insurance company will honour it as it is a commercial contract of the chattel property. So long as proof can be provided that it is registered, the insurance is honoured.

Contract law prevails over presumption.

It's best to cancel current policy and start new one over the phone, don't do it online. Just tell them you are not IT savvy and prefer to do business with a man or woman. They record everything that is said on the phone so say little and correct their language as they ask questions. E.g. what's your birth date,,, answer I was free born on.

Asking for surname... make sure they include  First-Middle OTH Surname in lowercase so it appears as it should on the policy document. Mine looks like this. 

So if a problem arises they know they insured a living soul, royal subject and not the public Trust name.

Hey I'm just wondering if im able to chose my number plate as I have personal plates on my car & wanted to know if I can keep it the same from RRDJ #xxx

Yes, you can do that.  please note that on the request form.

1. My plates have not been returned. What is the next step? 

File a P&GB 

2. When I appear in court on 16th what is your advice, I am more than happy to read a script rather than go from memory at this stage. I am a first time appearer. 

No script. You conduct yourself like a gentleman. You explain to the court that you are a free man subject of the commonwealth  " God save the King"  and have every right to go about your business without the fear of being accosted. You explain that the respondent is an employee of a corporation and interfered with your quiet enjoyment of your life. You point out that he was threatening and had a gun.. you ask that the court give an order to restrain him from further harassing you.  You also make sure you say that you reserve your rights in common Law.  Just speak simply and clearly.. Don't try to educate the court in the ways of the Law.  Just straight to the point. This is a simple order that the court does 100 times a day... 

2. Having RR certificate at court house will this help with the Land Titles you are sorting for me? 

No ,  focus on your case... Stick to the point or you will come off as a looney.

3. I am still awaiting my revised RR automobile certificates with correct name. 

It's coming but has nothing to do with your case.

I am also interested in transferring my vehicle and trailer, soon to be out of registration, into the trust.   

Vehicle no.. we are currently (July 2024) in litigation with the gov corp enforcement agency because they are ripping plates off our cars and terrifying members… we recommend not registering your car till we win the case.. All else is ok.

Want to be ready when moving from a to b in my Automobile with RRDJ plates , going to mail NOTICE to cops , court , in Albury NSW , population 58k would be easier to do here , which documents do you recommend mailing stating we are the living man & there will be certain consequences to a man or woman in uniform if TRESPASS is committed , what do you suggest ??? .

Please do not engage the enemy... we don't  interact with the gov corp employees unless forced to do so and when that happens we sue..

Insurance - call and inform them of private plates registered with RRDJ, insure car in name of trust? Eg John-Henry of the House of Doe? 

No register the vehicle in the name of your living soul,  insure it in the name of your corporate  trust;  the vehicle does not need to be registered with anyone to be insured.

Go to vic roads hand plates in and cancel rego/plates, fill in any forms? Do not destroy vin.   

No do nothing with vicroads.. what for they are just a registry like us.

Have copy of rrd rego paper in car and don’t fight pigs with guns  

Sure have a copy and show the police if stopped.. but that may not prevent them from just taking matters into their own hands.. they are just employees and will do as they are instructed by their master..don't expect anything different.. if they take the plates or arrest you or take your car then you sue.. there is no other option coz violence will just lead to more violence. we need to win our freedom.. it's not going to be handed to us on a plate.

Etag process?  

Yes,  just go to your etag account and add the rego numbers..  no need to get any more technical.. I did mine in 2 minutes.

Remember,  you the living soul are the beneficiary of your incorporated trust anyway so it does not remove your rights if you use a bit of both systems..

If I need my 'trust licence' for certain things in the world of commerce for applying for things, do I just use my RRDJ certificate and will it be accepted?

No,  the identification documents supplied by the gov corp machine are useful to travel in their system.   So use whatever they provide if it suits you.. however, because they are the registry in their  world as we are in ours they make the rules... the lord giveth and the lord taketh away.


Remember these one liners when the appointed time presents itself when the cop open his mouth and says something to be corrected.

Obviously pick you battle carefully and always be a lamb and act like you understand nothing nor are you interested in what they have to say or claim. 

If no other is harmed, damaged then there is no claim, cops are just with hunting trying to cover up their crime for stopping you in the first place without reasonable suspicion nor probable cause.

Always insist they identify themselves full, first name included as a conditional acceptance yo offer your in return as....

  • First-name of the House Surname, a Royal subject protected by the jurisdiction of the Royal crown and common law of England
  • Or the living soul, Beneficiary of the Person named on all state government documents.
  • They will ask for address... say... we reside at <Street address's without postcode>.

Once these two have been provided:

  • we have no obligation to answer questions that may be used to incriminate us.
  • We reserve the right to remain silent ucc1-103.
  • We reserve the right to no sign anything on behalf of the person you seek to enforce capital punishment.
  • Ignorance of the law is no excuse.
  • All fines and forfeitures are null and void prior to conviction. 
  • All state government issued documents stating their trust name in my possession is only done so with threat and enforcement against our will.
  • A drivers licence is not ID, it's merely proof of competency as an operator of our private property traveling on our commonwealth roads.
  • Provide proof of claim your authority extends to enforcement against a Royal subject, a living soul, the Beneficiary of your employers trust person named on all its documents.
  • We do not answer questions.
  • We reserve the right to remain silent as instructed by our litigation attorney.
  • Officer, every thing you say with be used against you in a tort suit, civil claim for damages.
  • Stop harassing us, you are trespassing.
  • Provide proof of claim you have the authority to deny us our right to travel in peace without molestation by an armed corporate employee.
  • What crime have we committed.
  • What is your probable cause to stop us for highway robbery.
  • Our automobile is registered contrary to your belief.
  • Regardless of you removing the private plates, the automobile is still legally registered.
  • Why are you threatening to do harm and damage if we legally operate our property according to law.
  • You have committed the offence of affray stopping us for no reasonable suspicion. That's trespass.
  • We do not accept nor consent to contract, joinder, act as surety for the Person you persistantly keep referring to.
  • Provide proof of claim that a Royal subject is obligated to do what a corporate employee says to do.
  • Provide proof of claim that a contract exists where we agreed to be governed / policed.
  • Do you agree with what you just said/claimed?
  • Will you put that in writing in court and sign it in front of a judge?
  • Rule of law says we are innocent until proven guilty.
  • Are you familiar with Regina v banner & Hamilton v DPP which together makes your offensive actions  void ab initio.
  • Why have you created a controversy when there was none to start with.
  • Are we as a living soul liable for the statute charges you have created against the person.
  • Are you having a meeting of the minds with a Royal subject or Australian citizen.
  • What do you mean by sovereign citizen, by definition that's an oxymoron. For what reason  would you call me that. Isn't that what you  wearing that uniform armed.

Their body camera is your evidence against them.

If joined can I respond to a traffic ticket re mobile phone as a living soul thereby not be under that capitalised trust /strawman entity.

Can a face to face be arranged in Sydney? 

ok,   in the first instant only the accused needs to respond... so if you respond then you must be the accused..  If you're not the accused then don't respond... e.g  if they called out for john smith,  would you say  Here!  ... it's exactly the same... Your trust has been sued not you... if however they try to sue you, the living soul  .. then you simply say,,  we don't accept this jurisdiction.. we reserve all our rights.. We are subjects of the crown and don't submit to a foreign court... thanks  anyway.. and that's about it...  any court not enacted and presided over by the King is a foreign court.. .. may as well be in china... it's  called no jurisdiction... you need to agree to them hearing the matter.  sounds crazy.. so you'll ask how do they get away with it... answer,   read the book   ANIMAL FARM .. its the DOGS that enforce the rule.. teeth and claws make the laws.  Badges bullets and beliefs.

What to do if that should happen?

You attend the local magistrates court and say you wish to apply for an intervention order on the person who took your plates.  you should wait till the fine arrives as it will have his name on it... your reason is that the person vandalised your vehicle and intimidated and threatened you.  they also took your property... remember. they are just private company employees and have no special powers over you, the living woman..  fill out the form and go before the judge... you will need to be afraid for your safety and the safety of your children..


You go to the local court as a living soul... you tell them that a person   ( give the officer's name ) has stolen an item that belongs to you... you show them the certificate.. you ask for an intervention order or restraining order preventing that person from coming near you, your family or your belongings because you are afraid they will harm you... they should issue an interim order.. you must be firm and insist.. if they issue it then a few weeks later you will be in a courtroom asking for it to be extended for a year..

1.  do nothing 

2.  apply for an IVO preventing the Enforcement officers from touching you or your property until the matter is determined by a court.

3.  do nothing and ask for the fine to be heard in court as I did...

4.  file charge and summons on the officer in her capacity as a living soul... Everyone has a right to do it any time.. even in their courts . We can assist with the wording..

The IVO is an excellent move... we can help her with the wording..

What is an IVO?

An IVO typically refers to an Intervention Order (IVO), which is a legal order issued by a court to prevent someone from behaving in a certain way towards another person. These orders are intended to protect individuals from harassment, violence, or other forms of unwanted behavior. The specifics of an IVO can vary depending on local laws and jurisdictions, but they generally aim to provide legal protection and peace of mind to those who feel threatened or unsafe due to someone else's actions.

I would like your advice too on how to proceed with getting my car back from impound, minus the impound charges if possible! Can you point me in the right direction? 

The car had temporary 'plates' that I had made myself to indicate it had reg (RR-082), the car had 'Private Property Notice' signs clearly displayed too (see attached). Unfortunately I did not take any pics - silly me.  

Contact the impound and they will tell you what you need to get the vehicle out... just pay the extortion money for now and we will sue them in due course.

Thank you for your time and response. My disqualification ends in October 2024, in a few months. l am prepared to not drive until then. My inquiry concerns an interlock device and being restricted to driving one particular vehicle. When l register with RRDJ, do I even need a license ( under the constitution) as l have been reading and hearing? Can l challenge the court's jurisdiction on this or appeal it, or something, because l did not have informed consent, and l did not have the time to consider my options? After the hearing, l was not sent any paperwork at all. l found out afterward that l could have appealed this decision. This is seriously impacting my life and family. Do l have any rights or any avenue of action, please? 

My Strawman licence has also been suspended till December and my RRDJ plates have been ripped off our car whilst it was parked on my property and we were asleep... so we can appreciate your position... But you are correct... the living don't need permission from the dead to do anything.. you need your Kings and gods permission only..  but remember,, they have guns and many troops... so pick your battles..

Is this a battle that l can win, because the more I learn about these corrupt bastards the more I want to take them on. l just need a bit of guidance and advice. l have read your post that you got a speeding fine. How does that work when your license has been suspended? 

There is no problem with one's comprehension of one's legal rights the difficulty is the enforcers comprehension..

My grandad used to say, "There are three men you can't reason with."

1  a man with a Badge

2. a man with a Belief

3. a man with a Bullet.   Sometimes they come in one package."

Hope all is well I would like to start making claims / sue the courts and the police for stealing my plates and having to go to court over 6 times re my rights travelling in private capacity sect 92, and conviction. Does this not violate my right to travel and common law rights. Every stop is trespass as Michael and theft of plates mentioned in the LIP groups.

After approaching me with Syrens on, I pulled over and after brief discussion on rights to travel and some questioning, constable Lauchlin Omeilly and his sergeant colleague stole my plates.

If your plates are not registered then even common law will say you're operating an unregistered vehicle..  Big deal but that's just a common sense thing.

However as for the convictions,  well, there is nothing on the documents that identifies you as the accused, or the convicted... it's all your trust,  so it is a sort of company debt...

Resist the temptation to use the incorporated trust name moving forward, except in cases where law enforcement pulls you over. If pulled over, it's best to remain friendly and say something along these lines:

"We are Vicki Lea of the House Forrest, a living woman, and have no desire to contract with you. However, as you are armed, and I'm in fear of my life, I will comply with your demands under duress."

Then, proceed to show them your driver's license and any other documents they request. It's crucial to treat them with respect and caution, acknowledging their authority. Remember, they're armed, and the priority is to ensure everyone's safety. You can address any legal concerns later in court.


I will be filling in a livestock registration request tomorrow as I have recently adopted a dog from a charity which has defaulted to the GovCorp registration body dogs and cats online registration and I have 2 weeks to put the pet in my name (according to their terms).   Ok,  you will need proof of Purchase  from the current owner to you.  But if the document has the name of your Incorporated trust  ( your straw name ) then it needs to be changed to your living name.  That will then establish your purchase.. But be careful its not a transfer.  you want something that says   I ( the current owner ) sell the ( describe livestock ) to you ( your title )  in consideration of the payment of $.

My question is (as I have funds in my gold investment account) to the total of $100 (payment from a steward registration interview), which form should I include in my application as an instruction to pay? I do have the form "Instruction to Pay" but want to check I'm on the right track before actioning.  That's the correct one

Also, how much is livestock registration as I cannot find it on the website or form?  $ 100.   once only payment.. for life of livestock.

Shall I include both these forms in my application?   Yes

I would also like to request a Visa Card for the attached Invest account for future use.  I can't find a form for this - not sure if there is one on the site. See attached.  But you must have more that 1100 credit as it's cheaper that way and way too expensive for amounts less than that.


The point of registration is to establish ownership. That's it.

Living souls are not governed so you don't need permission from Gov Corp to own, use or hold a Gun.. you give them authority over you when you register with them.. There is no law of the commonwealth that we are aware of that requires one to register anything at all.. We are private subjects of the crown, entitled to quiet enjoyment of our lives free from harassment. However, that fact doesn't prevent entities or people from disrupting your peace... freedom is not free, when trespassed you need to sue for compensation and loss. That's the legal remedy.


The process has changed. All landlords now fill these forms out and send them via email to RRDJ (

Michael-Rolf is meeting with various people and is discussing, educating people about living in the private.

Please visit Michael-Rolf's YouTube channel

Michael is having a conversation with someone interested in the Royal Registry, asking a variety of intriguing questions. If you’d like to learn more about the Royal Registry, please watch this presentation from July 2024.

Is an adjective that refers to the Christian church or clergy. It can also refer to things that are appropriate for or related to use in a church, such as architecture or robes. Additionally, it can refer to the organization or government of the church, and is not secular.

For those who know... the RRDJ Seal comes from Sir John Walsh who was granted the seal from the Arch Bishop of Canterbury many decades ago in the Abby when he sat on the UK Supreme High Court. In those days a judge of his standing was old school constitutional and not GOVCORP appointed.

For the rest of your life, you have Prima Facie Evidence that you are a living sole, Royal Subject, Sui Juris Man and not a STRAW as GOVCORP claim.

This also means you are the Beneficiary of the CQV Trust they have been hiding from you.

No more obligated to do as GOVCORP dictates (enslavered) nor bound by their Statutes unless you consent to their SURNAME TRUST ACCOUNT.

Learn the power you have now with the RRDJ Certificate and Private Family Crest Trust.


The process has changed. All landlords now fill these forms out and send them via email to RRDJ (

Michael-Rolf is meeting with various people and is discussing, educating people about living in the private.

Please visit Michael-Rolf's YouTube channel

Michael is having a conversation with someone interested in the Royal Registry, asking a variety of intriguing questions. If you’d like to learn more about the Royal Registry, please watch this presentation from July 2024.

Is an adjective that refers to the Christian church or clergy. It can also refer to things that are appropriate for or related to use in a church, such as architecture or robes. Additionally, it can refer to the organization or government of the church, and is not secular.

For those who know... the RRDJ Seal comes from Sir John Walsh who was granted the seal from the Arch Bishop of Canterbury many decades ago in the Abby when he sat on the UK Supreme High Court. In those days a judge of his standing was old school constitutional and not GOVCORP appointed.

For the rest of your life, you have Prima Facie Evidence that you are a living sole, Royal Subject, Sui Juris Man and not a STRAW as GOVCORP claim.

This also means you are the Beneficiary of the CQV Trust they have been hiding from you.

No more obligated to do as GOVCORP dictates (enslavered) nor bound by their Statutes unless you consent to their SURNAME TRUST ACCOUNT.

Learn the power you have now with the RRDJ Certificate and Private Family Crest Trust.


If we "register" with an organisation /company like the Royal Registry, does that mean, the said organisation/company own your account? 

Ok, great question. this has been one of the best misinformations posted on the web and it has frustrated many... the simple truth is this:
All registries have rules. When you register you agree to follow their rules. It's simple. However, the problem with that is , some registries "Gov corp" have hundreds of pages of rules that are there to deceive and control you and any asset registered under them.. so yes, Gov corp registries are traps. We are not Gov corp. , we are Royal and the only rules we have are. " Do no harm " that's it.. so The Royal Registry de Jure does not own you or your assets never has never will. Gov corp registries do.
see video.

What is the process of not paying tax on money earnt from an employer. I cant seem to find a FAQ to understand it?

How does it work?

Fill out form attached and hand to employer to authorise them to stop withholding tax and pay the gross into your Gold account.

Achieving distance from invests moving to your investing system BUT HOW with some debt attached to some property.   

Just open an account first with RRDJ first.

Rules and regulations associated with Registering oneself with Royal Registry de Jure.    

Only two.  1.  do no harm.   2.  common law applies to you.   that's it 

Full costs associated with achieving all one wishes to achieve to become a registered sovereign and independent soul.  

Your a subject of the commonwealth not sovereign

- support         Free   Stewards are available round the country to assist.

- healthcare in case of emergency /     Get insurance

- digital ID     Don't have digital ID we recognise you from your photo and face..

Registration of our thriving business and farming operations     

Don't need registration with us just ensure the business isn't registered with gov corp..and use our invest.  But we can register a PTY LTD company as long as all the directors and shareholders are living souls...   we don't incorporate, only  register..

Integrity and longevity of your registry     

The registry is only as good as the people who join and run it...we have stewards everywhere and more joining all the time.. if something happens to the head 3 grow in its place... it's structured to self heal.. copied that trick from the Greek myth of the Hydra.. 

Common law registry  

We are it.

I apologize if there is information regarding the above I have not yet found. I trolled your website and many links and q&a's.  

You poor thing..

I value and appreciate your time and do hope someone may contact me when convenient.   

Thanks for reaching out... cheers and welcome..

I have 4 beloved chickens and I want to protect them.  I am trying to get myself out of their system.  It is getting serious here, My garden is usually swarming with bees (not literally) but there are hardly any this year, also butterflies and other pollinators are absent, there is a distinct lack of life.  We are being battered with chempoisoning every day - no sign of the blue sky, the sun, the mon or the stars, just a blanket of thick cloud, for months on end - there is no wonder our beautiful earth is in decline.  I hope we can save it before 'they' destroy it completely.

Well here in Australia we are suing.  Who?   Every one of the polluters... But in order to succeed where others failed we have changed the game.  We sue in our capacity as living souls   subjects of the crown, all rights reserved and that pretty much does it... Matters not to us which cov corp entity the perpetrators work for they  can't avoid the courts... That's the value of 45 years in litigation.. It's the simplest means to address the problem..  The real issue out in the community is that people accept the Legal advice give to them bu licenced legal practitioners which is like accepting medical advice from a pharmaceutical supplier...      "bad  advice, bad decisions..."  Spyridon

I’m watching that Spiros Kalotihos is a scammer and selling property on lease which is all lies, can you confirm what I am watching?   

Unfortunately in my 63 years of life I have attracted my fair share of enemies.

Of late some of them have been very vocal and really have it in for me.

Also there are some entrepreneurs out there who are capitalising on my name and generating large number of hits on their sites just by trashing me or even mentioning my name.. its a normal part of business life  and we expected it..

Finally it's going to get worse... but on the up side most of the stuff they write is hearsay, innuendo and basically wrong..  here is my brief reply to these slanderous individuals.

Mainstream media: Current Affair article on TV   

I owned and operated a development site for almost 10 years with no issue.. then covid scam came along and thousands of businesses like mine got hit hard.  My invest came along and took all my properties..  over 25million worth.  One of these properties had long term tenants which the invest wanted to get rid off to make the site easier to sell.   So the invest, not me, contacted each tenant and negotiated a payout.. which they all took.. One of the tenants  Barbara thought she could get more money in her payout if she called current affair and reported it as a sad sack scam.. she asked me first and i said it wouldn't work coz they will spin the story to attack me not the invest.. but she decided to proceed and the rest is history.. I know the woman very well and she did a great job turning on the water works and playing the victim but nobody noticed that I lost all my money which exceeded the combined losses of the tenants... I lost millions in the invest takeover. But that doesn't make a good story.  So a little bit of truth but mostly lies.

Private attacks..

These are internet sites and odd individuals and some bots that produce stories and sometimes add my name to spice it up or other times just report on an event that they didn't have first knowledge of but run with it anyway.. the goal is to attack my character rather than the things im saying or doing..  they don't speak to me, they just run whatever story they want and wait for my reaction... which they don't get.

Career Criminal   well  that's laughable.. I've not been convicted of anything in my life yet according to them I've made a career of it...

So,   the solution was to step back from the registry and let the Deputy Stewards promote and handle the running to avoid ruining the solution due to bad press about me..

Michael-Rolf contribution to this matter...

Only a fool believes the media and Govcorp about anything they claim.

The 10 latest additions to the FAQ

These benefits are included upon membership:

  1. all of the tax benefits work globally. so opening your gold investment account will eliminate the need to pay tax. free
  2. unrestricted access to our litigation department included for members free ( but actual issuing of cases will incur legal fees.)
  3. access to RRDJ home loans and car loans is included for members @ interest fixed for the term of 6%
  4. access to RRDJ "Shield " to protect your property from seizure from all gov corp entities and creditors is included for members. @ 1% of estate value.

If we "register" with an organisation /company like the Royal Registry, does that mean, the said organisation/company own your account? 

Ok, great question. this has been one of the best misinformations posted on the web and it has frustrated many... the simple truth is this:
All registries have rules. When you register you agree to follow their rules. It's simple. However, the problem with that is , some registries "Gov corp" have hundreds of pages of rules that are there to deceive and control you and any asset registered under them.. so yes, Gov corp registries are traps. We are not Gov corp. , we are Royal and the only rules we have are. " Do no harm " that's it.. so The Royal Registry de Jure does not own you or your assets never has never will. Gov corp registries do.
see video.

Yes, of course you can!

The coat of arms is always optional. it's not necessary but great if they have one. You can register now and provide the coat of arms later or not at all.

it's just for your own copyright that we recommend you register it. if you don't have one then all good.

I understand everything you've written, and I haven't dismissed the other advantages of having an account with RRDJ. It's an excellent system. However, I initially thought physical gold was purchased for the depositor and held in storage. Now that I know this isn't the case, I need to inform others in my circle who also had this assumption.

Fiat AUD loses value over time due to inflation, so any account held in AUD, such as the GIA, also loses purchasing power. While $10,000 today will still be $10,000 in three years, it will buy less than it can today. This is why buying gold with fiat offers some protection against the loss of purchasing power over time. Two ounces of gold today will still be two ounces in three years, but they will likely buy more than two ounces can today.

The video mentioned this concept, which is why it was assumed that gold is held for the depositor and not just AUD fiat.

Your point about fiat currency losing value is valid. However, your understanding of how RRDJ operates is slightly off. We don't trade in fiat currency—it’s a gold-backed system. While fiat is initially received to facilitate gold purchases, the focus remains on gold as an investment. Gold is treated as property and is protected under privacy laws. It is non-taxable as long as it remains in gold form.

If gold is sold and converted to fiat, it becomes taxable income. However, if you sell RRDJ gold, it is treated as a gold currency, whether through EFT, Mastercard, bullion coins, or notes. If it’s sold and the credit enters the fiat system, it is treated as a lifetime loan, which is non-taxable by default. Similarly, fiat received into the GOVCORP account and invested in gold remains tax-exempt.

Future Plans:
RRDJ will eventually be set up as an irrevocable trust, enabling it to open a bank account under its trust name with a GOVCORP bank. The current GOVCORP account in Spiros’ name is a temporary arrangement until RRDJ is formally recognized under Common Law jurisdiction instead of UCC.

To maximize benefits, consider placing your gold in an IBA instead of a GIA to gain equity. This setup is also inflation-protected, ensuring gross value (not net) is retained. EFTs from the GOVCORP account remain inflation-proof, with no means test or reduction in Centrelink payments.

For example, you could have $1 million in bullion held by RRDJ and still be entitled to receive the full age pension. Since the bullion is not in your sole legal name, it is not considered a personal asset. Similarly, fiat transferred to Spiros’ account cannot be claimed by GOVCORP as part of your legal sole name assets.

The key is to consider the bigger picture, not just isolated elements of the system.

The maximum limit per card is $1,000.
If you require a higher credit amount, you can order multiple cards, each with a $1,000 balance.
Each card issued incurs a fee of $35.

Please note that these are MasterCard's Terms & Conditions, and RRDJ has no control over them.

Alternatively, you may continue using your GOVCORP bank account and its associated cards, ensuring no excess balance is left in the account. You can transfer funds via EFT to GIA.

Alternatively, you can make a direct deposit into the RRDJ GOVCORP GOLD Account. Use the PN provided on the RRDJ website to manage your funds accordingly, free from tax obligations.

How much is the interest rate?
What is the terms and conditions of the loan?

ANSWER: Yes we lend money via a Vif-gage

We do it on the following terms.

  • interest is flat 6% per annum and fixed for the term of the Vif-gage.
  • deposit 35% we lend you the rest.
  • Term 10 years
  • Repayments… 120 even payments. first of every month

Refinance existing mortgage can be possible assuming there is a remaining 35% equity in the property.

remembering that the purpose of the Gold accounts and subsequent loans is to reduce the tax burden to the member which is at least 33% of every dollar.

1.  Mastercard charges for the card
2.  Mastercard charge us for delivery to our office
3.  Australia Post charged us for delivery to the member priority and secured post
4.  Australia Post charges us for the envelope 
5.  We charge a small fee to process the entire thing.

the cost varies with each transaction…  If a member requires 5 cards then it gets cheaper because we only use one envelope.  remind the members that they can always just use the   

Instructions to Pay Anyone – Online Form

which avoids posting all together.