1) I gather from the confidence displayed in the use of BoE and PN’s means that when I’m ready to join RR you would be willing to accept one or the other from me to cover membership and other associated costs?
2) The second refers to transparency. Reading through the RR framework I note that it offers a Gold Trust plus a planned move to establish a private bank and ‘finance’ arm. All of which I believe is FANTASTIC! However, I’m surprised that there isn’t more transparency offered by key people e.g. with the amount of money and other wealth being managed/transacted on behalf of members it’s reasonable to expect that Spiros who appears to be the cornerstone of the entire RR system plus other senior members of the team would provide a Bio/CV to enable prospective RR members can conduct responsible and effective due diligence OR have I missed it?
If you remember how CBA used to operate before it went CORPORATE, that’s the same operation RRDJ Bank is operating but due to the GOVCORP strangle hold of the financial system we work around that using the same salvage laws they used to free up the property from their STRAW estate and give it to the Member. It has nothing to do with RRDJ, it is not TTDJ Property like GOVCORP behave.
BIO/CV? We are Private men, not Corporation entities. Everyone can google me and Spiros and make their own decision as to whether they want to register or not. The emphasis on transparency to the extent you ask isn’t necessary, the fact its working for those registered members is what matters. Live in Private means what it says. All members are private,, the RR merely acts as Trustee to ensure every members property is protected from GOVCORPs access.
By taking action removing property from GOVCORPs entity leaving them nothing is what RRDJ is about. Do as the rich do, pay no tax, and property isn’t in the name of the GOVCORP entity. If each member does that, it matters not who operates it because is merely a records office, An office holding private property records for living men and women.
The Gold Investment Account operation has been transparent on the website. Its a trading platform same a Fiat only Gold Backed. The exact operation method is not open for public awareness otherwise its telling GOVCORP how we are doing it. Its not a necessity to be public information and its operation is Private. RRDJ doesnt answer nor is it obligated to operate GOVCORP policy. Its Commonwealth for freeborn people, not Persons.
Hope this helped.