The CQV (Cestui Que Vie) trust was established at the time of your registration with Births, Deaths, and Marriages. Even though it was created fraudulently and incorrectly, you are, in fact, the creditor or beneficiary of this trust.

You should not nominate the legal fiction (your strawman or legal person) as the beneficiary of the trust. Instead, you must direct the trustee to discharge any debts using the funds from the trust.

If the trustee fails to do this, they are exercising their option. If they don’t agree, and you, the living person, do not accept to take on the burden, the trustee remains liable for the debt. In such a case, the creditor (you) may have no other options for discharging the debt through the trust, and the trustee would be responsible for addressing the obligation. If the trustee does not fulfill their duty, they could face legal or financial consequences.