I will be filling in a livestock registration request tomorrow as I have recently adopted a dog from a charity which has defaulted to the GovCorp registration body dogs and cats online registration and I have 2 weeks to put the pet in my name (according to their terms). Ok, you will need proof of Purchase from the current owner to you. But if the document has the name of your Incorporated trust ( your straw name ) then it needs to be changed to your living name. That will then establish your purchase.. But be careful its not a transfer. you want something that says I ( the current owner ) sell the ( describe livestock ) to you ( your title ) in consideration of the payment of $.
My question is (as I have funds in my gold investment account) to the total of $100 (payment from a steward registration interview), which form should I include in my application as an instruction to pay? I do have the form “Instruction to Pay” but want to check I’m on the right track before actioning. That’s the correct one
Also, how much is livestock registration as I cannot find it on the website or form? $ 100. once only payment.. for life of livestock.
Shall I include both these forms in my application? Yes
I would also like to request a Visa Card for the attached Invest account for future use. I can’t find a form for this – not sure if there is one on the site. See attached. But you must have more that 1100 credit as it’s cheaper that way and way too expensive for amounts less than that.