Register an account
Please open an account on this website and once it is done you are being directed to add your subscription to your account.
Please note: The username you choose (f.e. john) will determine your Steward web page link, f.e. (works with or without www.). This is your personal web page link, so be wise what you want to use here. You cannot change this username.
Paying via Promissory Note: If you are paying utilising the RRDJ Promissory Note, please choose the Yearly subscription only, you will receive an email giving you instructions and a link to issue the Promissory Note. After I have received the Promissory Note, I will activate your account.
Once the registration has gone through you see a page that says “Your Registration was successful!”. Please proceed and “Update your Steward’s information” with the information requested so that I can finalise the setup of your web page.