Realm of the Soul Meadows

The Nonsense in the media about Spiros


I’m watching that Spiros Kalotihos is a scammer and selling property on lease which is all lies, can you confirm what I am watching?   

Unfortunately in my 63 years of life I have attracted my fair share of enemies.

Of late some of them have been very vocal and really have it in for me.

Also there are some entrepreneurs out there who are capitalising on my name and generating large number of hits on their sites just by trashing me or even mentioning my name.. its a normal part of business life  and we expected it..

Finally it’s going to get worse… but on the up side most of the stuff they write is hearsay, innuendo and basically wrong..  here is my brief reply to these slanderous individuals.

Mainstream media: Current Affair article on TV   

I owned and operated a development site for almost 10 years with no issue.. then covid scam came along and thousands of businesses like mine got hit hard.  My invest came along and took all my properties..  over 25million worth.  One of these properties had long term tenants which the invest wanted to get rid off to make the site easier to sell.   So the invest, not me, contacted each tenant and negotiated a payout.. which they all took.. One of the tenants  Barbara thought she could get more money in her payout if she called current affair and reported it as a sad sack scam.. she asked me first and i said it wouldn’t work coz they will spin the story to attack me not the invest.. but she decided to proceed and the rest is history.. I know the woman very well and she did a great job turning on the water works and playing the victim but nobody noticed that I lost all my money which exceeded the combined losses of the tenants… I lost millions in the invest takeover. But that doesn’t make a good story.  So a little bit of truth but mostly lies.

Private attacks..

These are internet sites and odd individuals and some bots that produce stories and sometimes add my name to spice it up or other times just report on an event that they didn’t have first knowledge of but run with it anyway.. the goal is to attack my character rather than the things im saying or doing..  they don’t speak to me, they just run whatever story they want and wait for my reaction… which they don’t get.

Career Criminal   well  that’s laughable.. I’ve not been convicted of anything in my life yet according to them I’ve made a career of it…

So,   the solution was to step back from the registry and let the Deputy Stewards promote and handle the running to avoid ruining the solution due to bad press about me..

Michael-Rolf contribution to this matter…

Only a fool believes the media and Govcorp about anything they claim.